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AllGrow is a community that builds bridges and collaborative spaces that directly contribute to the development of children and indirectly to everyone involved in our initiatives.


Since 2017, the All Grow Association has been working with students, teachers and supporters from all over the country in numerous projects with the common goal of achieving change at the community level and equipping students and teachers with the tools, inspiration and knowledge necessary to achieve this change . Our activity reached over 7,500 students and 800 teachers from the whole country, impacting over 18,000 people.


At the center of our activities are the children who inspire us and guide us in everything we do. 



Our mission is to contribute to the development of an inclusive society where all (All) members have access to tools, resources and the inspiration to grow (GROW)

Every child can be an agent of change in their community when they discover through their own experiences their ability to create change.  



We have the courage to step out of our comfort zone and do things differently regardless of the status quo.


"If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together!" -  African proverb that speaks of the importance of collaboration when we want to produce change


We are action oriented and we take the risk of the mistakes we encourage, making change is hard work but through action we can do it.


Our story began in 2012 when Madalina lived in Haiti and tested the Design Thinking method for the first time within the Ashoka Youth Ventures activities. Then I noticed how changed the children were just by participating in a few facilitation and support activities built with a lot of empathy. 
That seed has been planted and carried in the soul in many communities where I have worked, from the Amazon jungle of Suriname to the skyscrapers of Hong Kong. In 2015, that seed began to sprout when Caleb and I recorded in the United States AllGrow Consulting LLC. Soon the idea of an initiative in Romania also took shape in the United States, even if at that time we did not know in which direction to go. Caleb  brought with him a strategic mindset, oriented towards inclusive processes and experiences. Being educated at a top university and with extensive international experience, Caleb brought that extra organization and strategic thinking that we need. Different ideas related to social innovation started to emerge, from helping small farmers, to supporting local organizations and sustainable food, but jumping from one thing to another, I got to education. Reflecting on personal experience we had our aha moment. This is how we realized that we lacked experiences when we could have discovered from an early age our power to achieve change and trust in our own forces. 

In August 2016 we started working on an initiative where children and young people discover their power to make change and we called it Change Architects. We truly believe that they (youth and children) are the architects of their own future. In November 2016 we were already in Mărășești, Vrancea where we were testing the Design Thinking method with secondary school students to see if it is relevant to today's students and to discover how we can adapt to the local context. Thus, we realized that for this model to be successful, 3 elements are needed - students - teachers and supporters, and thus the process of testing, validation, adaptation and continuous improvement began. In October 2017 we officially registered in Romania and became the All Grow Association. Change continued and the international and strategic perspective, focused on processes and spaces for collaboration and growth continued to define us.




Caleb Amaram

Strategic Consultant

Super Power: Innovative thinking

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to get far, go together. ” African Proverb

Caleb is an entrepreneur and specialist in strategy, management and engineering. He is passionate about innovation, travel and nature.


Mădălina Bouros

Co-Founder and President

Super Power: Optimism

"No matter what others tell you, words and ideas can change the world" Robin Williams

Madalina is a social entrepreneur and the founder of the All Grow Association. She believes in the power of people to create change when they collaborate.


Maria Bouroș


Super Power: Attention to detail

If you think think you can, and are already halfway there”; Theodore Roosevelt

Maria is an accountant and responsible for the financial aspects of the Association. She is passionate about gardening and interior design.  


Ema Gheorghiu

Social Media

Super Power: Curiosity

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." Andre Gide


Andreea Şerban

Junior Project Manager 

Super Power: Honesty and Rationality

"Great things never come from comfort zones."


Roxana Stan

Communication and Fundraising 

Super Power: Creative Writing

Profesoare Inovatoare



Marina Achiței

Super Power: I think with my soul

"Be yourself the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Marinica is a primary school teacher and is passionate about healthy eating, education and reading.


Florina Necula

Super Power: To listen to others

Omul sfințește locul și pomul se cunoaște după roade,iar omul după fapte.

Cristina is a teacher of Romanian Language and Literature at Sihlea Secondary School, facilitator of Open Mindset in Education, mother of three boys and a girl. She loves her job and is grateful for the journey. She is passionate about photography and loves to drive.


Cristina Cobzuc 

Super Power: Adaptability


Cristina is a primary school teacher, personal development counselor and coach, my mission is to assist children, young people and adults to reach their full potential. My hobbies are painting, handicrafts, hiking and reading!


Tatiana Cristian

Super Power: Creativity and ingenuity

"If not us, then who? If not now, then when? "

- John Lewis

Tatiana is a mathematics teacher, eTwinning ambassador, passionate about photography, reading, sports, personal development.


Carmen Liana Harsan

Super Power: Empathy

"All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to follow them"

- Walt Disney

Carmen Liana, psychologist and expert in rational emotional and behavioral education. Passionate about reading and travel.


Aurora Claudia Zamfir

Super Power: Preparing Children for Life

Iuliana, biology-chemistry teacher at Horgești Secondary School, passionate about science, art, reading and personal development.


Ana Maria Apostolie

Super Power: Attention to detail, perseverance

 If you don't try, you don't succeed. Try again, fail again, fail  better. –Samuel Beckett

Ana is a teacher of Romanian Language and Literature in Vrancea county. Ana wants to  inspire her students to have the courage to freely express their opinions, to read and always look for new ways to it was formed and shaped according to their aspirations.

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Carmen Florina Pascaru

Super Power: Perseverance

Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. -Oprah Winfrey

Carmen is passionate about foreign languages, a passion she discovered since childhood. Thus, he ended up teaching English and French and for some time he discovered the charm of Asian languages and started studying Chinese


Georgiana Elena Sima

Super Power: 


Georgiana likes to discover new places, to enjoy what nature offers us, to listen to music. In the educational field, he likes to get involved in activities that produce changes in the student's behavior and tends to believe that he can contribute to the development of his personality.


Send an email to telling us what you would like to do along with your CV.

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